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G.E.W. International
Corporation Limited
An expert manufacturer of home appliances.
Check out our own brand.
An expert manufacturer of appliances.
Check out our own brand.

Semi-Automatic espresso machine
Commercial coffee machine
Drip coffee maker
Capsule/Pod coffee machine

Household coffee grinder
Professional coffee grinder
Commercial coffee grinder
Semi-Automatic espresso machine
Commercial coffee machine
Drip coffee maker
Capsule/Pod coffee machine
Beverage Product
Motor Driven Product
Heating Appliance

Household toaster
Professional toaster
Commercial toaster
Coffee Roaster
Household coffee grinder
Professional coffee grinder
Commercial coffee grinder
Motor Driven
Beverage Product
Household toaster
Professional toaster
Commercial toaster
Coffee Roaster
Heating Appliance
Beverage Product
An expert manufacturer of appliances.
Check out our own brand.
Lead. Achieve.
Kick-start your mass production.
Beverage Product
Semi-Automatic espresso machine
Commercial coffee machine
Drip coffee maker
Capsule/Pod coffee machine

Motor Driven Product
Household coffee grinder
Professional coffee grinder
Commercial coffee grinder

Heating Appliance
Household toaster
Professional toaster
Commercial toaster
Coffee Roaster

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